Learn to Dance Tango
Learn to Dance Waltz
Learn to Dance Quickstep
Learn to Dance Rumba
Learn to Dance Jive
Learn to Dance Cha Cha
Learn to Dance Salsa
Gold Paso Doble Routine
NEW! Silver Paso Doble Routine
Cha Cha
Quickstep Zig Zag Back Lock & Running Finish,
38-minute workshop video that takes a detailed look at the Zig Zag, Back Lock and Running Finish, a Bronze figure found in the addendum of the ISTD technique book.
Waltz Tipsy to Right, Open Impetus, Side Lock group
This video workshop presents a fairly simple and elegant Waltz grouping that fills the long side of a typical ballroom floor.
Waltz Turning Lock to the Right
Half-hour group class workshop video covering a beautiful gold-level Waltz figure called the Turning Lock to the Right.
Slow Foxtrot Top Spin, Reverse Wave and Outside Swivel group
Half-hour Slow Foxtrot group class workshop video covering a beautiful routine incorporating the elegant Outside Swivel.
Slow Foxtrot Reverse Pivot, Change of Direction and Open Telemark group
Half-hour Slow Foxtrot group class video workshop covering a beautiful routine that can fill the long wall.
Waltz Oversway and Rudolph Ronde group
This 30-minute video workshop covers a grouping of Waltz figures that can enhance your dancing through interesting choreography.
Waltz Solo Core Exercises
This 45-minute video workshop goes through a series of simple but powerful exercises to help you develop a natural and technically correct use of swing for dances such as the Waltz.
Various Entries to the Fishtail in Quickstep
In this half-hour workshop, we look at several different entries to the Fishtail, giving you opportunities to make your Quickstep more interesting.
Slow Foxtrot Bounce Fallaway and Curved Three Step
In this half-hour workshop, we cover a series of Slow Foxtrot figures that include the Bounce Fallaway and Curved Three Step, along with others.
Video Lecture: Marat Gimaev on Utilizing the Musical Character of Dances
Former world champion Marat Gimaev gives a lecture on the musical characteristics of the different dances to help dancers express more effectively.
Video Lecture: Anna Mikhed on Ballroom Connection
Anna Mikhed, internationally renowned coach and adjudicator, gives an hour-long lecture via Zoom on various issues related to connection in the ballroom dances.
Quickstep Four and Six Quick Runs
In this half-hour workshop we explore the Four Quick Run and Six Quick Run in Quickstep, including common entries you can use.
Waltz Chasse Turning Left
This video tutorial modifies the Chasse in Waltz so that it rotates to the left. This is followed by a backwards entry to the Wing, then a Double Reverse Spin and Contra Check for an exciting grouping.
Tango Twist Turn & Chase Variations
This video tutorial takes a series of common Tango figures and puts them together with slight modifications to make your dancing more interesting.
Turns and Spins
A 40-minute workshop covering a variety of turns and spins used in Ballroom, Smooth and Latin dances.
Reverse Wave in Slow Foxtrot
The Reverse Wave is a fairly simple but beautiful Slow Foxtrot figure that is essentially a backwards Three Step. Learn how to dance it well in this 35-minute video workshop.
Improving Your Open Impetus
Short instructional video describing a common issue in leading the Open Impetus and how to resolve it.
Using the Back Corte in Tango
Group class video 40-minute workshop primarily focused on exploring different ways to apply the Back Corte in International Tango to other figures.
The Fishtail in Quickstep
In this half-hour group class workshop, we review the Fishtail and look at several different ways to use it with a variety of preceding step patterns.
Tango Outside Swivels
Group class video 40-minute workshop exploring the three most popular versions of the Outside Swivel in Tango, using a Reverse Turn.
Breathing for Ballroom Dancing
Breathing is a vital part of good ballroom dancing, yet it’s rarely talked about. This workshop goes into detail, covering a number of dances.
Slow Foxtrot Variations – Running Finish
40-minute group class video workshop exploring the use of the Running Finish and Open Natural to create choreography options in the Slow Foxtrot.
Waltz Variations Part 1
Group class video workshop exploring a variety of simple variations to enhance the Slow Waltz.
Musical Expression in Slow Foxtrot
40-minute group class video workshop exploring ways to dance more musical movement in the Slow Foxtrot.
Mastering the Ballroom Stretch
A brief 10 minute look at the stretch (for both gentlemen and ladies) in the Ballroom dances.
Connection in the Ballroom Dances
30-minute video exploring the different holds and positions used in the Ballroom dances.
Cha Cha Cross Basic and Time Step variations
A 40-minute workshop filmed during a group class covering two basic Bronze figures in Cha Cha, but adding variations that can transform them into beautiful, sophisticated new figures.
The Bota Fogo in Samba
An intermediate group class video workshop covering proper technique for the Bota Fogo figures in Samba.
Cha Cha Hockey Stick variations
An intermediate group class video workshop featuring two interesting variations to the Hockey Stick.
Basic Rumba Routine
An hour-long intermediate group class video workshop providing an interesting Rumba Routine consisting of basic figures.
8 Cha Cha Chasses
An intermediate group class video workshop looking at 8 of the 9 Cha Cha Chasses in detail, with a nice grouping to apply them.
3D Body Action in Cha Cha
An intermediate group class video workshop looking at how to create three dimensional body rotation in Cha Cha to improve the look of your dancing.
The Roundabout in Samba
A half-hour intermediate group class video workshop looking at the Roundabout in Samba and some entries and exits.
Perfecting Rumba Walks
A half-hour intermediate group class video workshop looking at various types of Rumba Walks to provide more technical insights.
Paso Doble Deplacement, Huit and Twists
In this workshop, we look at three intermediate Paso Doble figures based on those used in our Paso choreography, the Deplacement, Huit, and the Twists.
Improvising Paso Doble
An intermediate group class video workshop looking at how you can improvise your Paso Doble with simple step patterns and timing changes.
Dance Rumba with Power and Confidence
An intermediate group class video workshop looking at ways to dance Rumba with more power and confidence.
3 Easy Rumba Variations
An intermediate group class video workshop covering three easy but interesting variations to Bronze-level Rumba figures.
4 Easy Cha Cha Variations
An intermediate group class video workshop covering four easy but interesting variations to Bronze-level Cha Cha figures.
Cha Cha Musicality and Variations
An intermediate group class video workshop covering proper Cha Cha musicality, Guapacha timing, and a fun variation.
Musicality in Samba
40-minute group class video workshop exploring Samba musicality in various step patterns.