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We’re making some changes to the Level 2 and 3 Delta Dance group class programs that should lead to a more enjoyable learning experience for students. The Level 1 program will remain unchanged.

Level 2 Program

The most significant change will be that the Level 2 program will now include more steps than before, spread out over a greater time frame. Under the old 12-week program it was pretty much impossible to fit in all figures of the Bronze syllabus, although we did include a few easy Silver and and even a couple of Gold figures to provide more useful patterns for your choreography options. Because our goal is to include enough technique to make you look good on the floor, we spend more time than most studios on each figure.

The limited number of steps of the old program has become a bit tedious for some students, since they are repeated every 12 weeks or so. We wanted to deal with this problem. By extending the program into two groups, we can now effectively create a 24-week Level 2 program that almost doubles the total number of steps you’ll learn.

In addition, some people were finding the classes a bit too long and it’s easy to understand why. Those who did the Sunday open practice, then the Tea Dance before the beginning of the class, have already danced for 3-1/2 hours before the class starts! To then dance for another 80 minutes in the class was proving a bit challenging for a number of students.

As it happens, these changes also resolve another issue. We haven’t raised group class prices in years. Don’t worry! We won’t raise them now, as we think the $88 price point is a good one. Note that we don’t control the pricing at KinVillage since the center runs that program and only hires us to teach, so that pricing is different and could change if the center chooses. Our pricing (at both locations) is considerably less than that of any other local studio that uses professionally certified teachers. By making the classes a bit shorter we can keep prices from increasing and our classes will now be the same length as those at every other studio. Our Level 2 and 3 classes will now be roughly one hour long.

The Saturday Level 2 class will end earlier than before, now finishing at 12:30pm so you’ll have more time to enjoy your afternoon. The Saturday open practice time will extend from 12:40 until 2:00pm.

Level 3 Program

The format of the Level 3 program will remain the same as before. Some of the steps we used to cover will now be taught in the Level 2 program so we’ll make some adjustments for this reason. The Level 3 classes will be slightly shorter than before, sometimes ending after an hour but usually a bit over one hour in length.

Overview of Figures

Here’s a look at each dance covered in the Level 2 program and how we’ll divide the figures. Each program is two weeks in length. As before, we focus on putting them together into step “groups” rather than a routine so that you have some creative freedom in how you put the groups of figures together.

Cha Cha

Program A
Basic Cha Cha technique
New York, Hand to Hand, Spot Turn
Three Cha Chas
Shoulder to Shoulder
Hockey Stick
Natural Top
Closed Hip Twist

Program B
Basic Cha Cha technique
New York, Hand to Hand, Spot Turn
Side Steps w/There & Back
Shadow New Yorks
Turkish Towel
Spiral ending
Aida with Rock Finish


Program A
Basic Quickstep technique
Quarter Turn to Right
Forward Lock
Natural Turn
Natural Spin Turn
Reverse Pivot
Double Reverse Spin
Progressive Chasse to Right
Back Lock
Natural Pivot Turn

Program B
Basic Quickstep technique
Quarter Turn to Right
Forward Lock
Natural Turn
Natural Pivot Turn
Natural Turn with Hesitation
Chasse Reverse Turn
Back Lock
Tipple Chasse, 2 alignments
Running Finish


Program A
Basic Rumba technique
New York, Hand to Hand, Spot & Switch Turns
Shoulder to Shoulder
Rope Spin
Side Steps
Cuban Rocks

Program B
Basic Rumba technique
New York, Hand to Hand, Spot & Switch Turns
Hockey Stick
Overturned Hockey Stick
Natural Top
Closed Hip Twist
Alternate Ending to Fan


Program A
Basic Tango technique
Progressive Side Step
Progressive Link
Closed Promenade (2 versions)
Open Promenade
Rock Turn
Natural Promenade Turn (2 endings)
Open Reverse Turn, Lady Outside
Progressive Side Step Reverse Turn

Program B
Basic Tango technique
Progressive Link
Closed Promenade (2 versions)
Open Promenade
Outside Swivel Method 1
Outside Swivel Method 2
Natural Twist Turn
Open Reverse Turn, Lady Inline
Left Foot and Right Foot Rocks


Program A
Jive Chasses & musicality
Jive Walks
American Spin
Review of Stop & Go
Whip, Whip Throwaway
Hip Bump
Point Swivels
Simple Spin

Program B
Jive Chasses & musicality
Jive Walks
American Spin
Rolling Off the Arm
Toe Heel Swivels
Mooch Kicks


Program A
Basic Waltz technique
Whisk (3 types)
Chasse from Promenade
Outside Change
Reverse Turn & Reverse Corte
Back Whisk to Chasse
Natural Turn, Hesitation, Reverse Turn, Back Lock
Natural Turn, Hesitation, Progressive Chasse
Basic Weave
Open and Closed Finishes
Bonus step (time permitting): Closed Impetus

Program B
Basic Waltz technique
Double Natural Turns at corner
Natural Spin Turn
Hesitation Change
Reverse Pivot
Double Reverse Spin
Natural Turn, Hesitation & Double Reverse Spin
Whisk and Weave from Promenade
Whisk and Wing

George Pytlik

Author George Pytlik

Before turning pro, George achieved impressive results as an amateur competitor, holding the Senior (30+) Latin championship in BC, Canada for 7 consecutive years with his wife Wendy. The couple twice achieved a top-3 Canadian ranking in Senior Latin as well as a 3rd place Canadian ranking in 30+ Ten Dance. Today, George and Wendy are professional teachers with a vision of growing a strong dance community in Delta near Vancouver, BC.

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