Level 1: Salsa 2
Level 1: Salsa 2
We review the material from the previous week, then move on to a signature step known as the Cross Body Lead as well as others.
Online registration closes at 8:00pm the night before. If you miss the window, just come to the class as registration is a convenience, not a requirement. Click on the event to see class details and order your tickets. Choose RSVP if you plan to pay when you get there, such as using a debit card or your Delta Dance punch card.
We review the material from the previous week, then move on to a signature step known as the Cross Body Lead as well as others.
We cover the entire beginner Tango syllabus in one lesson, including Tango Walks, Link to Promenade, Closed Promenade and the Rock Step. No partner necessary. Even if you're solo, you'll...
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